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I am both sad and happy (is that sappy?) to be close to the end of the Mind Candy Marathon. Jan 15 I will close for submissions. Any after that will be returned/deleted unread. Vol 1 is on the verge of publication. I am just waiting for the proof copy, then final copy edit and any final corrections. then it will be another month, at least, to finish reading for Vol 2. Then a few months for contracts, layout, editing, and Vol 2 publication. Some where around April, I will be done for awhile with publishing and will get back to my writing.

All this reading and editing has brought me an epiphany about my own writing. I have seen dozens and dozens of styles and believe I have learned something from them. I know there are times I have read published works and thought "WTF, I'm way better than that". But other times I have read stuff and thought, "Holy crap, I'm not good enough to buff this writer's shoes. I should just quit".

Well, I'm not going to quit. The break while editing and publishing helped give me perspective, and I can't stop writing. So to all the other writers out there, it doesn't matter if you ever get published; that isn't the reason to write. The only real reason to write, is because you have to. If you want to be more disciplined to write more, better, faster, so you can get published, paid, accepted by others as a writer, that is fine. Just remember, that is not why you write. Even if you never get the kudos you hope for, writing is both artistic and cathartic. It fills your soul.

So, Never stop!

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