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Back from NecronomiCon, had a good time met some old friends and met some new. Dr. Allen Dyen-Shapiro (one of the authors in Mind Candy) was there again this year. Didn't get a lot of time with him as our panels were at opposite times. Also a good friend, Ron Sarti was there again this year. He is the author of The Chronicles of Scar series. I was on several panels, some serious, some not, as would be expected at any Con. On a couple of the more serious panels, I met Jeff Caroll, he was the host, he did a great job and filmed them. I have posted his YouTube videos from the con, even the panels I was not on, on the Myriad Paradigm Facebook page. And now while I am trying to work on marketing and promoting the Mind Candy series, I am getting back to writing myself by working on a non fiction book, Mountain Biking in Florida.

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