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Sorry it has been so long

I haven't put anything here since March and thought I should write something. Not sure if there is anyone left that actually pays attention to me, but here it is. The reasons I haven't been here, well maybe not reasons, but I have lots of excuses. I retired from my 9 to 5 last March and had a few things to take care. Since then the plan was to spend more time writing and promoting. Some of that more writing was supposed to be here, Oops. But I have been writing and promoting. Still have not made enough off the first two anthologies to fund the third yet, but I still plan to continue eventually.

But back to excuses, April and May I did write a couple of new stories that I have sent out, and rewrote a couple of older stories that are still looking for homes. I also spent weeks doing yard work that had been left undone for years, and cleaning and reorganizing my garage, which had never been done since moving into the house 22 years ago.

June, me, my wife, and a good friend, Ron, spent a week mountain biking and trout fishing in Ellijay and Blue Ridge GA. We should have gone unicorn hunting, as we saw as many unicorns as we caught trout. July. was mostly just trying to survive the hottest summer in Florida since moving here. August, me and Ron went to Snowshoe WV, to do full downhill mountain biking, my first time ever trying it.

Sept, did a little more writing, a little more biking, and at the end I bought a new fishing boat, so that has taken up time the last week, and will continue to distract me from time to time.

That brings us to October. The 18th, 19th, and 20th I will again this year be a panelist at Tampa's NecronomiCon. The panels I will be on are Fri 3 PM, Cats and Dog in SF & F (or animals as characters in fiction), Fri 8 PM Marvel vs DC: Ladies edition, Sat 11 AM Bad Science: what is bad science and how to recognize it in real life, Sat 3 PM Space is Big, Really Big, and Sat 8 PM The many phases of Star Trek.

Sunday I will be just hanging around. Hope to see you there.

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