Are Grammar Nazis Ruining Storytelling?
Ever get excited to get a personal rejection just to find it full nick picks about your grammar choices and punctuation? I mean this is...
Funk Me!
I just got back from a con. Usually after a con I am invigorated, inspired, and motivated to write. I often have several new ideas for...
What Standard, Standards?
While I am still working publishing fiction and non-fiction here at Myriad Paradigm, I also write my own fiction and submit it elsewhere....
Adventure Port 8080:
The next non fiction piece I am working on is the Adventure Port 8080: series. A series of short books on YouTube channels that explore...
Open for novel submissions
Myriad Paradigm is now accepting proposals for completed speculative fiction novels 50k to 80k words. To submit, send first three...
Sorry it has been so long
I haven't put anything here since March and thought I should write something. Not sure if there is anyone left that actually pays...
MidSouthCon the place to be.
Just got back from MidSouthCon, did 4 panels there that all went quite well. This was my first trip to MidSouth and found it to be an...
MidSouthCon March 15-17
It is a little short notice, but I will be at MidSouthCon in Memphis TN as a panelist in two weeks. Author Guest of Honor is Timothy...
Spring will Sprung.
Well it has been awhile since I blogged, things have been hectic. But as of the end of March I will be retired from my 9 to 5 and will be...
emotion Rage suppressed Compassion Repressed intelligence Digress youth obsessed Gratification Distressed Concessions Compromised...